Support stable, loving families for children in need.

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We help support families in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe through three core programs – Family Homes, Kinship Care, and Family Outreach.

Models of Care

We help support families in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe through three core programs – Family Homes, Kinship Care, and Family Outreach.

Immeasurable Impact

Homes of Love establishes and strengthens families for some of the world’s most vulnerable children. Within these families, precious children experience safety, find opportunity, and discover hope in Christ! 

We work in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe to support in-country parents through three distinct, life-changing programs – Family Homes, Kinship Care, and Family Outreach.

in global ministry

23 Years

helping children in need

45 Homes

and unique cultures to serve

3 Countries

Establish, Strengthen, Protect

Establish, Strengthen, Protect

Extreme poverty, death, abuse, or cultural traditions sometimes leave a child without the care of a family. When these hardships happen, Homes of Love steps in.

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We partner with mature Christians in each country to identify, train, and support in-country, godly parents to raise children as their own. 
Another one
We partner with mature Christians in each country to identify, train, and support in-country, godly parents to raise children as their own. 


We believe God designed the family as the best place for a child to grow.  We support and strengthen families so that children receive the parental attention and nurture they need to thrive. 

Our commitment is to come alongside Christian parents as they provide a safe, loving home for children.

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Extra things that are here and I'm saying them right now

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Another thing and extra food to haveand be here for it all.

Link at the end

Extra box to have things in it

Another thing and extra food to haveand be here for it all.

Link at the end

Extra box to have things in it

Another thing and extra food to haveand be here for it all.

Link at the end

Meet homes of love

Our Values

Love gives children a healthy place to grow. Homes of Love is a ministry that supports and strengthens families for some of the world’s most vulnerable children. We help these precious children experience safety, find opportunity, and discover hope in Christ! Homes of Love currently works in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe to support in-country parents as they provide a permanent family for children facing the loss of parents, neglect, abandonment, or the threat of exploitation.

We believe every
We believe every person is made in the image of God and, as such, has inherent worth and value.
We believe God designed the family as the best place for a child to grow.
We support and strengthen families, praying God will work within them to rescue His children.

Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Reach out to our team.

Is Homes of Love affiliated with a denomination or organization?
How many children live in each home?

The Here and Now

Extreme poverty, death, abuse, or cultural traditions sometimes leave a child without the care of a family. When these hardships happen, Homes of Love steps in.


From the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, we use Knoxville, Tennessee as home base for serving children around the world. We partner with indigenous Christians in Southeast Asia and Africa to support and strengthen families for children in need. 
Our executive board members provide substantial knowledge and guidance for the compassionate work we do around the world.

Homes of

Homes of Love Support stable, loving families for children in need.

Support stable, loving families for children in need.

Get in touch

IT Support - Nathan Anderson

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The Here and Now

Extreme poverty, death, abuse, or cultural traditions sometimes leave a child without the care of a family. When these hardships happen, Homes of Love steps in.

Love opens its doors.

In Family Homes, in-country Christian parents receive an allowance to provide for the children's food, clothing, and hygiene needs. Family homes re-establish a sense of safety and security to hurting children. 

How it Works

Family Home parents come from all different backgrounds, but they are all drawn to the cause of Christ in their communities. While some have their own biological children, others are single or adoptive parents looking to safely raise and support children in need. Homes of Love partners with the local church to identify and train these parents.

More Details

Homes of Love also provides for medical and dental care, school fees, and tutoring. Our partners in each country regularly visit homes to provide spiritual support, parental training, and encouragement.

Locations with family homes


One Vietnamese mother has raised 12 healthy girls over 11 years!


One Vietnamese mother has raised 12 healthy girls over 11 years!

Love opens its doors.

In Family Homes, in-country Christian parents receive an allowance to provide for the children's food, clothing, and hygiene needs. Family homes re-establish a sense of safety and security to hurting children. 

How it Works

Family Home parents come from all different backgrounds, but they are all drawn to the cause of Christ in their communities. While some have their own biological children, others are single or adoptive parents looking to safely raise and support children in need. Homes of Love partners with the local church to identify and train these parents.

More Details

Homes of Love also provides for medical and dental care, school fees, and tutoring. Our partners in each country regularly visit homes to provide spiritual support, parental training, and encouragement.

Locations with family homes


One Vietnamese mother has raised 12 healthy girls over 11 years!


One Vietnamese mother has raised 12 healthy girls over 11 years!

Love opens its doors.

In Family Homes, in-country Christian parents receive an allowance to provide for the children's food, clothing, and hygiene needs. Family homes re-establish a sense of safety and security to hurting children. 

How it Works

Family Home parents come from all different backgrounds, but they are all drawn to the cause of Christ in their communities. While some have their own biological children, others are single or adoptive parents looking to safely raise and support children in need. Homes of Love partners with the local church to identify and train these parents.

More Details

Homes of Love also provides for medical and dental care, school fees, and tutoring. Our partners in each country regularly visit homes to provide spiritual support, parental training, and encouragement.

Locations with family homes


One Vietnamese mother has raised 12 healthy girls over 11 years!


One Vietnamese mother has raised 12 healthy girls over 11 years!

What Can a Simple Gift Accomplish?

$ 10

A Treasured Gift

Provides three Build-a-Bear gifts each year for new children

$ 25

Community + Discipleship

Sends four young adults each year to a Homes of Love College Retreat

$ 50

Access to Education

Covers school fees, uniforms, tutoring, and supplies for one Homes of Love child

$ 150

A Safer Home

Provides food, clothing, and healthcare costs for one Homes of Love child